This morning, I arrived late at the general library of Taida. I picked a seat beside one of the windows and put all my stuff down. I sat down and looked around. The spring was blooming outside the window. In front of me was a student working hard on his assignments. He concentrated so much that I felt he is beautiful. He is so alive, with all that energy.
It was then I suddenly had this epiphany, that this is the prime of my life. I am not waiting for something better to happen; it is happening, this best part of my life. The future will only present to me more duties, more pressure. But right now I am all free, going anywhere as I like it and doing anything only when I feel like it.
Maybe it was just because of the music I was listening to. Maybe it was the morning coffee. Maybe it was the riot of colors outside the window. But maybe it was the inner voice. It never lies.
It never lies.